Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sitting back and relaxing

Today I was in much need of a resting day. Almost every day so far I've been running about and trying to see things, shopping, grocery shopping or school. Today I needed a break and get all my ducks lined up.

I made a to-do list and I have finished up almost everything so far. The one thing that takes forever to do no matter what is laundry. I put one load in last night and one load in today, simply because it all wouldn't fit in at once due to the size of the machine.

My roommates have all done their laundry at least once or twice since we've been here, but I haven't done anything in two weeks. Thank goodness for packing a plethora of socks and underwear!

I started the laundry last night at around 10:30. The machine finally decided it was done cleaning at about 1:30 A.M. I was too tired to put it out to dry, so I grabbed it out this morning and then threw the rest of my clothes in for today.

Here's the difficult part about doing laundry during the day: You cannot use any other appliances while it is on. You can only use one appliance at a time. For instance if I'm cooking something on the stove or oven, my roommate cannot be straightening her her. You can charge computers or cameras and such while an appliance is on, but that's all. It takes up too much electricity and if you do have more than one on then the electricity goes off.

I asked my roommates if they needed anything for the next three hours, and they said no. After about a half hour, Kate realized she wanted to cook lunch and then we realized she couldn't. So it was bread a jam for lunch until about 4:30 when the washer was finished.

It hasn't been a problem yet, it's just a matter of planning and making sure everyone is okay with not using anything.

Now I'll just wait for my clothes to dry over the next day and work on homework.

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