Sunday, March 4, 2012

My trip is halfway over :(

It was glorious to sleep in this morning. Although my body must be used to waking up early from the past few days because I woke up at 11 and tried going back to sleep, but my body wouldn't let me.

I had also woken up from a weird dream where Ali and died her hair blonde and my dad said he allowed her to do it because it was what she wanted. She should never die her hair blonde because she would look ridiculous...or at least according to my dream.

I got out of my bed around 11:15 and decided to hop in the shower since it was open. With four girls, you never know if someone is going to take it when you need it.

I blogged a little bit this morning about yesterday's travels and then started getting ready for the day. Yelena, Lydia, Michelle and I were going to a Florence soccer game. I was so excited because this was on my bucket list!

Lydia and I met Yelena at the convenient store down the street at 1 and then we met Michelle at the school at 1:05. Once we were all together we went to the Florence soccer team store where we perused for something to wear to the game. I really wanted a jersey, but I figured they would be too expensive. They were. It cost €75 for one. They had t-shirts for €15, but they weren't the greatest looking ones. We all found these jersey-looking shirts and the man said they were €23. We were sold! It looked just like a jersey and I didn't have to spend a lot on it!

We all put on our shirts in the store and the man gave us directions to the stadium. He was so helpful. The walk didn't take too long, but was longer than I had expected. We were walking on my side of town, but I had never been this far out. It had such a suburban feel to it. It felt like I was at home. There were a lot of street lights and trees in the medians. It was also very quiet and quaint, which I didn't think existed in Florence.

Lydia spotted a place to eat so we crossed the street since we were all starving. It was the best decision. It was a cute themed-like restaurant for the soccer team. I ordered a hot dog, french fries and a coke. I felt like I was eating stadium food. The hot dog was delicious with the ketchup and onions. When I got my french fries the woman asked me if I wanted ketchup or mayo with it. I got so excited because no one ever asks if I want mayo with my fries. Everyone always just stares at me and thinks I'm weird for liking that combination, so imagine my surprise when it was offered to me!

After lunch we went to go get in line to buy Michelle and Lydia's tickets. The line was horrendous-looking so Yelena and I went to the front of it to see how long it was. It ended about a block away and it looked like people were going into a store. I asked a man standing near us if it was the ticket office and he said yes. We reported back to the other two and Yelena and I decided to go into the stadium since we already had tickets and we'd save them seats. We didn't think the game would be as crowded as it was because they weren't playing a rival or anything.

We went to one gate where we thought we would go in through, but the man directed us in another direction.

We finally found the line we were supposed to be in and got through relatively quickly. When we got into the stadium we went to go pick our seats. It's not like sporting events at home where you have assigned seating. It's just a free for all in the stadium, which made it easier. We sat just in time for the game to start.

The team spirit was crazy and everyone was singing, screaming and waving Florence flags. It was a beautiful, sunny day and the crowd was having a lot of fun.

Lydia and Michelle finally got into the stadium 30 minutes into the first half. Each half is 45 minutes, which I have no idea how the players can run for that long. Once they sat down with us we decided to go sit up higher because there were a group of little boys who kept standing in front of s blocking our view.

The view from the top was so much better than where Yelena and I were sitting before. You could see more of the mountains in the background and more of the city.

Florence ended up winning 2-0, which was great because we were told they weren't that good of a team, so the crowd went crazy with everyone jumping with excitement.

On our walk home from the game we stopped and got gelato. I have had more difficulties turning it down because it's been so warm out and I love walking around eating it because I'm not shivering all of the time anymore.

Lydia and I ran into Billa to get milk and something for dinner on our way home as well and when I got home I just relaxed and now I'm currently blogging.

A few minutes ago someone buzzed our apartment and I figured it was someone random passing by hitting the button so I ignored it. Then I thought for some reason someone may be standing outside our door so I looked out the peep hole and someone was.

A girl about my age asked if we were American and when I said yes she looked so relieved. She said she lived the apartment below us and her roommates and she blew a fuse and asked if we knew how to fix it. Lydia took her to show her. Before they left I was asking where she was from and she said Philly. I said "no way, I'm from Pittsburgh." And then she said, "No way, I go to Pitt!"

What a small world! I got so excited and said "Lydia she's from where I live!" I haven't met anyone from Pittsburgh outside of my group yet so that was pretty cool :)

Now I just get to relax for the rest of the night and skype with my mama and Kory. This weekend was a really fun weekend and I got to do so much. I wasn't tired during any of it which was great too! Today marks the date in two months that I have to leave this place. It's going to fly by and I don't want it to. I never thought it would go by so fast, but I'm halfway done with my trip.

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