Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Today was a lot more relaxed than yesterday. In Italian Nicoletta decided to start a new chapter. We started learning about clothes and what to call things, so she asked us to hand over some of our things for her to use as objects to show. Bethany handed up her scarf, Michelle gave her jacket and then Yelena gave her one flat pair of shoes. Nicoletta said it wasn't enough and then looked at me. I didn't have anything to take off and then she stared at my boots. "You want my boots?" I asked and she laughed and said yes. So I took off one of my boots and sat in my skirt, black tights with one boot on. 

I eventually got it back after Glen was a model for the class with all of the items Nicoletta got from us. It was an entertaining class to say the least. Not every day you can say your teacher asked your class to hand over clothing items!

After Italian Bethany, Lydia and I ventured to H&M because I really wanted this trench coat that Erika had because she said she got it for €15, but she said she got it a while ago. Unfortunately it was €50 instead, but I ended up having a successful purchase. 

Between H&M and Genius of Florence, I started looking into classes for next semester. I cannot get over that I only have about five journalism courses left to take during my college career. I remember when I came in as a freshman and looked at the sheet with all of the classes I had to take and thought, "Wow, there are so many." Time seriously needs to slow down. I'm going to be a senior. I remember graduating high school like it was yesterday!

During Genius we just stayed in and watched a movie on the Medici Family, which was very interesting. The family was so well-known and the name keeps popping up in many of my classes. 

After class I went home and packed for Madrid tomorrow. I fit everything in my book bag and even have space in it for clothes I buy there! I was pumped. I budgeted to do a little shopping while I'm there!

I cleaned up my room a little bit as well since I wasn't going to be there for the next three days. I felt like my mom. "It's always nice to come home to a clean house." Well Mama, you are surely rubbing off on me...

While I was packing and cleaning my room, Kate and Jess were cleaning the apartment. When I came out I felt like I wasn't in my apartment anymore. The drying rack that is always in our living room filled with clothes was gone and the table had nothing on it, but a wine glass with yellow flowers. I asked, "Is this our apartment?"

Around 6 Jess's parents came over for dinner. Jess and Kate cooked up some pasta and made salad for all of us. Her parents got into Florence yesterday and said they were enjoying themselves so far. It was funny because I was sitting at the table trying to eat properly and not slurp my pasta. I realized in that moment I haven't been around parents in two months. I've been around adults, but not parents. It was really weird to think about. 

Having them there though got me really excited for my family to come. Three weeks from tomorrow they'll be here!!

I had to dip out of dinner a little earlier and I went to meet my friend Carolyn at the school, and then we went to go get gelato at Gram, one of the best gelato places in Florence. 

While we were walking there we were laughing because we were saying how we have seen each other so much more here than we do at home. When we're in Kent we only see each other at the beginning of the semester when we move in early and at the end of the semester once everything is all done. She's always super busy with architecture and I'm always busy with my journalism and roles with the paper. It's been a nice change to be able to see each other more this semester. 

Tomorrow I leave for Madrid with Amy and Bethany! I'm really excited. Nicoletta told us that it's her second favorite European city — Florence being the first. 

Fun fact: Madrid's airport we are flying into is one of the biggest airports in the world. YIPEEEE!! Here's to hoping we find our way out of it!

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